Art School?

So, I'll be submitting my portfolio for review to the San Francisco Art Institute's PostBac program in a couple of days. And then I will receive a call to discuss their decision in a week. !!!!!  For now I gotta get busy putting my portfolio and artists' statement together. I'm submitting basically all of the stuff I have on the blog just in an orderly aesthetic. It actually looks pretty decent all together. But I have to admit I do feel that it doesn't look nearly good enough to be considered for the MFA program. I just don't see any consistency to it all and in the end for some reason I just can't imagine my stuff in an art gallery. I don't know. I guess some people might read this and say, "yep, you're right Jack. You're shit sucks, MAN!!!! Why do you keep doing it?"

Well, it's the only thing I'm good at that I enjoy, or at least I think I'm good at it====

"Why choose this as our goal. And they may also ask, why climb the highest mountain, why thirty five years ago fly the Atlantic, why does Rice play Texas! We choose to go to the moon."

So fuck it. I'm shootin' for the moon. Here goes.

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